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  <title>Meta Tag Generator</title>
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  <h1 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: red;">Advance Meta Tag Generator</span></h1>
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  <center><p><h3 style="text-align: center;"><b>&nbsp;</b><a href="https://sbtech.sayantv.in/" target="_blank">🎉</a><a href="https://sbtech.sayantv.in/" target="_blank"><span style="color: red;">😄</span></a>&nbsp;🚀 The Meta Tag Generator Tool is an easy<a href="https://sbtech.sayantv.in/" target="_blank">-</a>to-use online utility that helps website owners and developers create essential meta tags for improved SEO and search engine visibility<a href="https://sbtech.sayantv.in/" target="_blank">.</a> Input relevant details and the tool generates optimized meta tags quickly<a href="https://sbtech.sayantv.in/" target="_blank">,</a> enhancing your site<a href="https://sbtech.sayantv.in/" target="_blank">'</a>s performance and user experience<a href="https://sbtech.sayantv.in/" target="_blank">.</a> Boost your online presence effortlessly with this streamlined tool&nbsp;.<a href="https://sbtech.sayantv.in/" target="_blank">!</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;🎉<a href="https://sbtech.sayantv.in/" target="_blank"><span style="color: red;">😄</span></a><a href="https://sbtech.sayantv.in/" target="_blank">🚀</a></h3><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><h1 style="text-align: center;"><br /></h1></p></center>

<br><center>ADD CODE</center></br>

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                 <div id="Krishna Brandstore">  
                 <div class="Krishna Brandstore">  
 <b style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: center;"></b>  
                <script language="JavaScript">  
                <!-- Begin  
                function create(form) {  
                  if (form.input2.value != "") {  
                   form.story.value +=" <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>   <meta NAME=\"Description\" CONTENT=\"" +  
                   form.input2.value + "\"/></b:if>\n";  
                  if (form.input4.value != "") {  
                   form.story.value +="<meta NAME=\"Keywords\" CONTENT=\"" +  
                   form.input4.value + "\"/>\n";  
                  if (form.input5.value != "") {  
                   form.story.value +="<meta NAME=\"Author\" CONTENT=\"" +  
                   form.input5.value + "\"/>\n";  
                  if (form.input7.value != "") {  
                   form.story.value +="<meta NAME=\"Language\" CONTENT=\"" +  
                   form.input7.value + "\"/>\n";  
                  if (form.input10.value != "") {  
                   form.story.value +="<meta NAME=\"Country\" CONTENT=\"" +  
                   form.input10.value + "\"/>\n";  
                  if (form.input15.value != "") {  
                   form.story.value +="<meta NAME=\"Robots\" CONTENT=\"" +  
                   form.input15.options[form.input15.selectedIndex].value + "\"/>\n";  
                // End -->  
                <div align="center">  
                  <div align="left">  
 <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="normal" style="width: 100%px;">  
                   <div align="center">  
 <table border="0" cellpadding="1" class="normal">  
                     <td> <b>Description:</b></td>  
                     <td><input name="input2" size="50" type="text" /></td>  
                     <td> <b>Keywords:</b></td>  
                     <td><input name="input4" size="50" type="text" /></td>  
                     <td> <b>Author:</b></td>  
                     <td><input name="input5" size="50" type="text" /></td>  
                     <td> <b>Language:</b></td>  
                     <td><input name="input7" size="50" type="text" /></td>  
 <!-- Designer =  
 Webmaster -->  
                     <td> <b>Country:</b></td>  
                     <td><input name="input10" size="50" type="text" /></td>  
                     <td><h2> Robots:</h2></td>  
                     <td><select name="input15" size="1">  
                      <option selected value="" />Select One  
                      <option value="All" />All  
                      <option value="None" />None  
                      <option value="Index" />Index  
                      <option value="No Index" />No Index  
                      <option value="Follow" /> Follow  
                      <option value="No Follow" />No Follow  
 <input onclick="create(this.form)" type="button" value="Genrate" /> <input br="" type="reset" value="Reset" /> <textarea cols="100" name="story" rows="4" wrap=""></textarea>  


<!-- Dont't remove or edit below code otherwise your script did't work -->
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Bilgisayar ve Yazılım Programları Hakkında En Güncel Bilgiler Bu Blog'da Bizi Takip Etmeyi Unutmayın.

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